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Monday, April 7, 2008

Could the diapers be gone?????

Ok, so last night I came out of the room from putting Cameron to sleep and Grant asks me "what do you think of putting Drew in underwear tonight"? I told him that although he woke up the last couple mornings dry, he has only been potty trained for 3 1/2 weeks and we shouldn't risk messing it up. Plus, I heard it can take up until 4 years old before kids can go thru the night.

Because my husband always listens to me :) he put Drew in underwear and guess what???? He woke up dry!!!! So I tried again at nap and again he woke up dry. It's amazing what gets me excited now a days. :) Woo-hoo Drew!!!!


Omi Kim said...

Keep up the great stories!!! I love looking through the blog window into your life, Jules!! Jess has done her blog for sometime and it makes you feel like you are up on the kids and family's lives. Also, everyone gets to read it and it makes communicating so much easier.
Love the potty training story! Way to go Drew!
Auntie Kim

Nana said...

soHi Drew!!!
Nana and Papa are SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!We are looking forward to Disneyland even MORE NOW!!!NO DIAPERS TO CHANGE!!!!
What a great story JULIE!!!!And your living it!!!!