We have had an extremely busy month. Nana and Papa came for two weeks to help celebrate Cameron's 1st Birthday which took place March 1st. My cousins Kent and Pat and Tom and Sandi were also in town for the big event and it was so nice to have my side of the family represented.
Yes, Cameron is now one. He is such a happy-go-lucky little boy who always has a smile on his face. I was so excited to give Cameron his first cupcake at his party, but as you can see in the picture, he was less then pleased with this new found taste.
Drew also had a great time with the balloon guy and had fun shouting out that is was time to sing happy birthday (even though it wasn't) as he new what came after the singing.......cupcakes. We made an exception, sang happy birthday, and Drew felt pretty important.
Thank you to the Sumile's, Nakamoto's, Krawsky's and all of our friends for helping make his birthday celebration a big success. That's it for now. I will write more on our March events tomorrow.
I'm glad you decided to do a blog! The pictures are great---the party was so much fun and you did a great job.
Woohoo! I'm so excited that you've finally jumped on board...now watch your days get lost in other people's lives, it's addiciting! Happy 1st Birthday Cameron, and Happy 3rd Birthday Drew! Can I add you to my blogroll???
Love, Jessi.Dean.Halle.Sebastian
Thank you for starting a blog. This way you can tell you family story once and everyone will be able to catch up on your life. You won't have to rewrite it in emails.
Happy Birthday to Cameron and Drew too! You all look great!
Hugs and Kisses,
Auntie Kim
Hi Grant, Julie, Drew, and Cameron,
Thank you so much Julie for making this blog!!!! It is the greatest!!!
It was so fun viewing some our greatest moments of Cameron's birthday. Family and friends - that's what it is all about.
We miss all of you so much so this will help take away some of the pain. You are such a sweetie and we love all of you so much!
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