This morning I needed to get out of the house and also had to go to the supermarket for milk so I thought I would get in the bath with the boys, get ready, and take us all on a little outing to the supermarket, bank, and toy store. This would not have been any big deal on a normal day, but I'm leaving out the fact that both the boys have been sick since last Tuesday. (Hence no blogs for the last week). They have been whiny, snotty, and needy. So.....off we go! WHAT WAS I THINKING? On our way to the toy store, Drew burst into tears saying that he is hungry and has to go pee pee. So we made a detour to McDonald's to fuel up and play on the jungle gym then off to the supermarket. Of course I only went for milk and ended up with a cart full of food. The boys were great the whole time I was loading the cart and then they decided to throw fits when it came time to check-out. Cameron had had it with sitting in the cart and Drew insisted on unloading everything saying "no helping mommy, i do it all by myself!" So, we finally get out of the store and Cameron is, by this time, crying his eyes out and refusing to go into his car seat. And Drew, of course, insists he needs to go pee pee and poo poo........oh my goodness!!!! I repeat, WHAT WAS I THINKING? Well, although it was not pretty, we survived. We got home, had a quick snack, story time and both boys are now asleep. Yeah for mommy!
Picture 1- Cameron loves Drew's new scooter that he got from Grandma and Grandpa.
Picture 2- Drew finally takes a nap after 2 sick and napless days. Lucky for you, you can't see the snotty nose in the picture. His mouth is open because he can't breath out of his nose, poor thing!
Picture 3- The boys in the bathtub this morning right after mommy got out. Yes, I fit in there with both of them. Can you believe that this is the most relaxing part of my day? :)
Oh, Jules...I love reading all your postins, this is fun huh??? Sorry to hear about the sickies-I bet you were feeling a little cooped up too! Glad to hear they're on the mend.
Jules, you are such a good writer...I can just picture your day. Glad that you can laugh about it, and thankfully the boys are getting better.
Uncle Harry and I just returned for Orlando for a conference and vacation!! We had a blast.
Hugs to you all,
Auntie Kim
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