Our house is done!! Isnt it great?!

Just joking, this is the house i have been working on for the past five years and is just about done! The following is some pics of our house, little or should i say a lot less auspicious than the above house, but we love it and the kids seem to as well! I did a before and after series so you could see the great work Julie did.

Before: Kids Room

After: Kids room

Before: Master Bath

After: Master Bath. Off to the right out of view is the shower area. Its big enough to not need a shower door which is nice cuz julie can plop the monkeys in the bath and shower in peace while they play... I use the term "in peace" loosely! haha

Before: Living Room facing Makai

After: Living Room looking into Dining Room (please excuse the ugly portable ac unit)

After: Living Room facing Makai while standing in the kitchen